Posted in English 5th grade

Project. Describing our friends, people

Hello, I am Emily. I am elleven. This is my friend. Her name is Nare. She is elleven, too. She is very beautiful. She is tall. She has black long hair. She has a small nose and big eyes. Her eyes are brown.  She likes to wear ozersize clothes. Her favourite colour is yellow. She likes to cook and photographing. We are good friends. 

This is my friend. Her name is Anuka. Anuka is elleven. She is very beautiful. She has medium leight, curly hair. She has dark green eyes. She is a little bit taller than me. Her favourite colour is dark blue. She likes to joke. She likes to eat an sour jellys. Her hobby is to draw. We are good friends. 

Posted in English 5th grade

How Fly saved the river

How Fly saved the river

There was once a river so beautiful that all the animals came to drink from it. One day a giant moose came to this river.

“He’s so big!” cried out a beaver named Barney.

“Even bigger than Big Bear,” added Betty, another beaver.

“He sure is thirsty,” noticed Marty, a muskrat/ մշկառնետ/.

“He’s drinking so much that the river is going down!” yelled Mary, another muskrat.

The animals grew worried.

“Our beaver dams will be destroyed,” warned Barney.

“And we’ll have no water to drink,” said Mary.

Big Bear, who had been listening to the whole time said, “Let’s meet tonight and plan how to get rid of this pest.“

“Count me in!” added Fly.

All the animals laughed at Fly. How was such a tiny creature going to help?

As the sky grew dark, Fly joined the others on the riverbank.

“So, what’s the plan?” he asked.

Barney started by saying, “I will gnaw on that moose’s legs until he runs away.“

“But he’ll kick you with his big strong hooves!”, warned Betty.

“Oh,” said Barney. “I didn’t think of that.”

“We need another plan,” both muskrats said at the same time.

“I am the strongest,” said Big Bear. “I’ll fight that moose.”

“But the moose is twice your size!” said Fly.

The beavers and muskrats all said to Fly, “Be quiet. You are the weakest of all.”

The next morning, Bear was worried. Was Fly right? Was the moose truly twice his size?

“Bear hurry!” said the muskrats.

But Big Bear did not move.

“I’m… I’m… scared,” he replied.

“Maybe we should try my plan,” Fly admitted. But all the other animals just laughed at Fly.

So, Fly flew onto the moose’s back. Holding on tightly, he bit the moose as hard as he could.

“Ouch!” cried the moose.

Fly flew up and bit the moose’s ear.

“Stop it!” the moose yelled.

“I’ll never stop,” said Fly, as he flew around and bit the moose on its leg.

The moose was unable to stop Fly, so he turned and ran. The animals never saw him again.

That night, the beavers made fish stew. The muskrats danced a special dance in honour of Fly.

“Hooray for Fly!” they all sang.

“You see,” began Fly, “even the weakest animal can beat the strongest if he uses his brain.”

  • Տեքստի ընդգծված նախադասությունները դարձրու հարցական և ժխտական:
  • Դուրս գրիր անանոթ բառերը։
  • Сried out – Բղավեց
  • Beaver –
  • Hooves – սմբակներ
  • Yelled – Բղավեց
  • Rid – Ազատվել
  • Pest – Վնասատու
  • Gnaw – Կրծոտել
  • Moose – Մոզ
  • Weakest – Ամենաթույլ
  • Tightly – Սերտորեն
  • Stew – Շոգեխաշել
  • Տեքստից դուրս գրիր ածականները` beautiful, big, thirsty, worried, tiny, dark, strong, quiet
  • Տեքստից դուրս գրիր մակբայերը՝ beautifuly, tightly, weakest, bigger, strongest․
  • Ին՞չ կենդանիներ կան տեքստում, դուրս գրիր, ին՞չ հետաքրքիր փաստեր գիտես կենդանիների մասին, համացանցից դուրս հանիր և պատրաստիր նյութ հետևյալ վերնագրերով՝ <<Do you know?>> կամ <<It is intersting to know>>

Do you know?

  1. Bears have the largest relative brain size of any carnivore! 
  2. Wild brown bears use rocks as a tool to scratch an itchy spot. 
  3. Black bear cubs do as their mothers do! A study has shown that bears reared in the wild forage independently whereas bears reared by mothers who typically forage on food made available by humans adopt their mother’s foraging style.  
  4. Bears can develop strong attachments to other bears. Following the death of his sister, an 18-year-old captive male brown bear only slept for a third of the time he did before, and spent more time inactive, compared with when his sister was alive. It is likely that the two had developed a close bond, and the loss was greatly felt.  
  5. Brown bears in Scandinavia know they are being hunted. Solitary bears subject to hunting change their usual activity pattern to increase their safety and outsmart the hunters! 
  6. Play behaviour is key to surviving in the wild. The more that brown bear cubs play, the more likely they are to survive to adult independence. Researchers found that this was unaffected by other factors such as food, maternal characteristics, and health, suggesting that lots of play is essential for growing bears to reach independence.
  • Ընտրիր ճիշտ տարբերակը
  1. Why didn’t the other animals think Fly’s plan would work?
    a) Bear was too scared.
    b) Fly was too small.
    c) The moose was too fast.
    d) Fly had a broken wing.
    2) What problem was the moose causing?
    a) He was destroying the animals’ homes.
    b) He was being mean to the animals.
    c) He was drinking too much water.
    d) He was eating all their food.
    3) Which line from the story shows that Fly is determined (strong-minded)?
    a) “I’ll never stop.”
    b) “Hooray for Fly!”
    c) “But the moose is twice your size!”
    d) “So, what’s the plan?”
    4) Fly is the smallest animal in the story. In what way is he the strongest? Explain
    your answer.
    5) What was the moose doing that made the animals call him a pest?
    6. How Fly Saved the River
  • Տեղադրիր a, an, some,  any
  1. Please get some bread from the baker’s.


b) a

c) an

d) some

2. We need some money to buy a present  for mother’s Birthday.

a) any

b) a

c) an

d) some

Dad, there are some letters for you.

a) any

b) a

c) an

d) some

4. There aren’t any books on the shelf.

a) any

b) a

c) an

d) some

5. It is an elephant.

a) any

b) a

c) an

d) some

6. Thanks a lot. Can I have some water first?

a) any

b) a

c) an

d) some

7. It is a very interesting story about animals.

a) any

b) a

c) an

d) some

  • Կարդա հետևյալ տեղեկությունները կենդանիների մասին և ընտրիր, թե յուրաքանչյուր հատվածը որ կենդանու մասին է՝ cat, dog, hamster, lizard, fish, parrot
  1. It is a good friend. Takes it out for walks every day. Feed it meat and give it water to drink.

It is a dog.

2.  It needs an aquarium to swim. Change the water and clean the quarium regulary. Feed your pet special food once a day.

It is a fish.

. It needs a warm house. It needs rocks and plants to climb on. Feed it insects, spiders, mice or rats and give it water to drink.

It is a cat.

4. It is very friendly and likes to play outside. It sleeps a lot and needs a quiet and warm place to rest. Feed it special biscuits, meat or fish and water to drink.

It is a lizard.

5. It needs a cage where it can run around and a box to sleep in. Feed your pet seeds, nuts, fruit and vegetables and give water to drink.

It is a hamster.

6. It needs a big cage. Don’t forget to clean the cage. Pet your pet fly outside the cage regularly. Feed your pet seeds and give water to drink

.It is a parrot.

Adjective /Ածականներ/& Adverb Մակբայեր/

Ածականները գործածում ենք գոյականների և դերանունների հետ․ Ածականները գրում ենք գոյականներից կամ դերանուններից առաջ։

  • I have a black cat.
  • He dropped the hot plate.

Մակբայները գործածում ենք բայերի հետ, նկարագրում ենք բայերին՝

  • She sang loudly.
  • He speaks slowly.

Մակբայը կազմվում է ածականին ավելացնելով –ly- մասնիկը՝

Bad-badly, sad-sadly

Մակբայների համեմատական և գերադրական աստիճանները կազմում ենք օգտագործելով more և most

  • She sang more loudly than her friend.
  • She sang most loudly in the class.


  • Careful զգույշ (ածական): He is always careful.
  • Carefully (մակբայ): She put the glasses down carefully.
  • Quiet հանգիստ(ածական): This is a quiet room.
  • Quietly (մակբայ): She spoke quietly.
  • Bad վատ (ածական): This coffee is bad!
  • Badly (մակբայ): He sings badly!

Եթե ածականը վերջանում է  ‘y’, ապա ‘y’ դառնում է ‘i’ and այնուհետ ավելացնում ենք  ‘ly’. Եթե ածականը վերջանում է ‘le’, ‘e’ սզվում է, և ավելանում է ‘y’.

  • Happy ուրախ (ածական): She looks very happy.
  • Happily մակբայ): He sang happily.
  • Gentle նուրբ (ածական): It’s a gentle cat.
  • Gently (մակբայ): He stroked the cat gently.

Կան բացառություններ՝

  • Fast արագ (ածական): That’s a fast car.
  • Fast (մակբայ): She walks fast.
  • Early շուտ (adjective- ածական): She was early for the meeting.
  • Early (adverb-մակբայ): He arrived early.
  • Late ուշ (adjective): He is always late!
  • Late (adverb): He got up late this morning (‘lately’ is also an adverb but means ‘recently’).
  • Good լավ (adjective): That is a good book.
  • Well (adverb): She did well on the exam (‘well’ can also be an adjective; see below).
  • Hard դժվար (adjective): Maths is hard!
  • Hard (adverb): She tried hard (‘hardly’ is also an adverb, but means ‘almost none’; see below).

Կարդա և համեմատիր՝

She is a slow reader.            She reads slowly.

He is a quick runner.          He runs quickly.

She is a bad cook.                   She cooks badly.

He is a good footballer.       He plays football well.

Լրացրեք some or any վարժ: 1վարժ: 2

Լրացրեք ածական/ adjective/ կամ մակբայ/ adverb/` վարժ: 1, վարժ: 2

Posted in English 5th grade

Florence Nightingale

Read the story! Florence Nightingale

Do the Preperation, play the game and do the activity for the story. Learn all the unknown words.

Florence Nightingale was a nurse who saved many lives in the 19th
century. She was named after the city of Florence in Italy, where her
parents went after they got married in 1818. Her family was rich and
they had two homes in Britain as well as servants.
Florence was an unusual young woman for her time because she
didn’t want to go to parties and get married. She wanted to be a nurse and help people. Her family
didn’t want her to become a nurse because hospitals back then were dirty, horrible places. They
were worried about her. In 1851, Florence went to Germany and learned all about nursing. It was hard
work, but she loved it.
In 1854, lots of British soldiers went to fight in the Crimean War. Army hospitals were filled with injured
men, but there were no nurses and many men died. Florence and a team of nurses went to help.
Florence worked 20 hours a day to make the army hospital a cleaner and safer place. She brought
the men fresh food, she cleaned the hospital beds and she used clean bandages on the wounded
soldiers. Soon, fewer men were dying.
At night, Florence walked around the hospital. She talked to the injured soldiers and helped the men
to write letters to their families. She carried a lamp and the soldiers called her ‘The lady with the
When Florence returned to England, people called her a heroine because of her amazing work in the
Crimean War. Queen Victoria wrote her a letter to say thank you. She continued to work hard in
Britain to improve hospitals and she was given a medal called the Order of Merit. She was the first
woman to receive this honour.

Florence Nightingale-





Posted in English 5th grade

Where is my ticket?

Where is my ticket?

An old writer who is very popular in England is travelling by train. When the ticket-inspector comes and asks him for his ticket, the old writer begins to look for it in his pockets, in his bag and suitcase but cannot find it.

” I can wait,” the ticket-inspector says, who knows the writer very well. “I can come again at the next station. “but at the next station it is just the same. The old writer can not find the ticket.

“That’s all right,” the ticket-inspector says. “That’s all right”.

“Oh, but I must find my ticket,” says the man. “I want to know where I am going to.”

Անծանոթ բառեր

ticket- տոմս





next station-հաջորդ կանգառ

Տեղադրեք a, an , the  որտեղ անհրաժեշտ է։

It was a nice place with the green trees near the river.  The boys are playing a football in the yard. They spoke much about a modern litrature and art. I have an idea of going for a walk as far as a station. Shall we go to London by the train or by the bus.

Գրիր փոքրիկ պատում օգտագործելով այս բառերը։

boat-նավակ , journey-ճանապարհորդություն, զբոսանք, hiking-արշավել, քայլել, to go in far-հեռու գնալ, to travel-ճանապարհորդել, team-խումբ, to see off-ուղեկցել,  plane-ինքնաթիռ, passenger-ուղևոր, to agree-համաձայնվել, airport-օդանավակայան, trip-ճամփորդություն, to try on-փորձարկել, to fly-թռնել, heavy-ծանր, carriage-վագոն, port-նավահանգիստ,  leave-մեկնել, catch-բռնել, comfortable-հարմարավետ, possible-հնարավոր, seat-նստատեղ, suitcase-ճամպրուկ, ticket-տոմս, station-կայարան, կայան train-գնացք, railway-երկաթուղի

Posted in English 5th grade

Simple Past

Simple Past

A) Fill in the blanks with the correct simple past tense of the verbs in parentheses.

1) She

home alone. (go)

She went home alone

2) The wind

– throughout the right. (blow)

The wind blew throughout the right.

3) An apple.

on his head. (drop)


4)The Princess’s ball!

Into the well. (roll)


5) A frog
into the well and

back to her. (jump/bring)

Jumped, brought.

  1. Jack
    the highest grade in his English class. (get)


  1. The party

at 8:00 PM (begin)


8) He .
his old car and

a new one. (sell/buy)

Sold, bought.

  1. Jack
    up the ladder carefully. (climb)


  1. Who
    all the windows? (shut)


Posted in English 5th grade

April 1 — 5

1. Put the verbs into correct tense /Present, Present Continuous, Past and Future Tenses/ 

  • Julia is reading /read/ in the garden. 
  • What do we have for dinner tonight?  
  • She has /have/ two sons. 
  • I stayed /stay/ in Spain for 3 weeks last summer. 
  • The class begins /begin/ at 9 every day. 
  • What are you eating /you eat/ at the moment? 
  • Next year will have /have/ a new house.  
  • She meet /meet/ her friends at her birthday party last month.  

2.Put some, any, many, much. 

  • She has some books /some, any/ 
  • I spend many days here. /many, much/ 
  • Do you have any Brothers? /some, any/ 
  • There are too many students in the class. /many, much/ 
  • He hasn’t got any friends. /some, any/ 
  • We didn’t earn much money this year. /many, much/ 
  • There are some flowers here. /some, any/ 
  • There were many cars on the road.  
  • Please give me any water. /some, any/ 
  • I am sorry, I dohn’t have much time /many, much/ 

3. Բայերը գրեք ներկա անորոշ ժամանակով, հիշեք, որ 3֊րդ դեմք եզակի թվում բային ավելանում է ֊s, -es-վերջավորությունը։ օրինակ` He plays the piano.

1. I love (love) you.

2. Ron speaks (speak) serious.

3. She goes(go) to school every day.

4. We like (like) tomatoes.

5. The boy wants (want) to play.

6. You need (need) to sleep.

7. They agree (agree) with me.

8. She hears (hear) something strange.

4. Հետևյալ նախադասությունները դարձրեք հարցական, ժխտական (անցյալ ժամանակ֊Past tense, օրինակ` They worked in the garden. Did they work in the garden? They didn’t work in the garden. He had a cat. Did he have a cat? He didn’t have a cat. He was 10. Was he 10? He was not 10.

1. I was a student. Was I a student? I wasnt a student.

2. We made a cake. Are we made a cake?

3 They saw a big car. Are they saw a big car?

4 You were 10 years old. Are you 10 years old?

5. Ընտրիր ճիշտ տարբերակը:

There are many pens on the table/ many, much/

Is there any water in the glass? /some, any/

He drinks much coffee. /many, much/

There is some grass in the garden. /some, any/

There is much snow in the yard. /many, much/

There is some bread on the plate. /some, any/

There are many trees in the garden. /many, much/

There isn’t any coffee in the cup. /some, any/.

6. Նախադասության բայերը գրեք անցյալ ժամանակաձևով:

1. I went (go) to the city once a week.
2. You played (play) the guitar very well.
3. She never visited (visit) me.
4. Tom always found (find) new ways to do things.
5. Ann wanted (want) to speak.
6 My mother had (have) a big house.
7 We played (play) a lot.
8. They sold (sell) fruit and eggs.
9 The building was (be) on fire.
10 I usually helped (help) my neighbours.
11. His brother rarely left the(leave) town.

Posted in English 5th grade

Which is more foolish?

Farmer Jones wanted to buy some things at a store. The storekeeper had a lot of bicycles in the store and he wanted to sell one to the farmer. “Look here, farmer Jones,” he said. “I can sell you a very good bicycle and you can ride around your farm on it every day.”“Oh, no,” said the farmer. “I don’t want a bicycle. I think a cow is more useful and the price is just the same.”“But just think,” said the storekeeper, “you can’t ride round the town on a cow. That’s foolish”“Oh, I don’t know which is more foolish,” answered the farmer with a smile, “to ride on a cow or to milk a bicycle.

”Կարդա տեքստը, դուրս գրիր անծանոթ բառերը և կատարիր առաջադրանքերը։

Դուրս գրիր գոյականները և բայերը:


Bicycles,storekeeper,milk, cow, farmer.


Wanted,buy,sell, answered.

Հիշիր՝Ապառնի ժամանակ- Future Tense.

Ապառնի ժամանակը ցույց է տալիս ապագայում կատարվելիք գործողություն: Այս ժամանակաձևը կազմվում է Shall և will օժանդակ բայերի օգնությամբ, օրինակ՝

I shall/ will play Ես կխաղամ We shall/ will play- մենք կխաղանք

You will sing – դու, դուք կերգես, կերգեք They will dance-նրանք կպարեն

He, she, it will run-նա կվազի

Հարցականի ժամանակ shall, will օժանդակ բայերը գալիս են առաջ, օրինակ՝Shall/ will I play? Shall/will We play?Will you sing? Will they dance?Will he, she, it run?

Ժխտականի ժամանակ shall, will օժանդակ բայերին ավելանում է -not- մասնիկը, օրինակ՝I shall/ will not/ shan’t/ won’t play Ես չեմ խաղա We shall/ will not/ shan’t/ won’t play- մենք չենք խաղա

You will not/ won’t sing – դու, դուք չես, չեք երգի, երգի They will not/ won’tdance-նրանք չեն պարի

He, she, it will not/ won’t run-նա չի վազի

Անծանոթ բառեր

storekeeper-Խանութի հսկիչ, վաճառող.

Posted in English 5th grade


There is an old woman. This old woman milks her cow, puts the milk on top, goes to the field and brings wood to make a fire and boil the milk.

A fox comes, hangs his head in the bowl of milk, eats.

The old woman reaches up, cuts off the fox’s tail.

The tailed fox runs away, goes, stands on a stone and asks like this.

– Grandmother, grandmother, give me my tail, I’ll tie it, I’ll suck it, I’ll go to my friends, so they don’t call me a tailed fox, where was I?

The old woman says:

– Go and get my milk.

The fox comes to cow.

– Cow, cow, give me milk, I’ll take the milk to the old woman, the old woman will give me my tail, I’ll hook it, suck it, I’ll go to my friends, if they don’t call me a fox with a tail, where have you been?

The cow says.

– Well, go get me some grass. The fox goes to the field.

—field, field, give me a grass, I’ll take the grass and give it to the cow, the cow will give me milk, I’ll give the milk to the old woman, the old woman will give me my tail, I’ll tie it, I’ll suck it, I’ll go to my friends so they don’t call me a tailed fox, where have you been?

The field say.

– Go get me some water.

The fox goes to the source.

– Source, source, give me water, I will take the water to the field, the field will give me grass, I will take the grass and give it to the cow, the cow will give me milk, I will give the milk to the old woman, the old woman will give me my tail, I will attach it, I will suck it, I will go to my friends to reach me, so they don’t tell me, you tailed fox, where have you been?

The source says:

– Go get a pitcher.

The fox goes to the girl.

– Girl, girl, take your jug, I will take the jug to the spring, the spring will give me water, I will take the water to the field, the field will give me grass, I will take the grass and give it to the cow, the cow will give me milk, I will take the milk and give it to the old woman, the old woman will give it to me, I will hook it up,I’ll hang it, I’ll smoke it, I’ll go and catch up with my friends, so they don’t call me a fox with a tail, where have you been? Calvor’s guilt is coming, it gives a strong bite. The fox takes the food to the chicken, the hen lays eggs. the egg takes the charchu, the charchu gives a bead. the girl takes the bead, the girl gives the jug. the pitcher leads to the spring, the spring gives water. water leads to the field, the field gives grass. the grass leads the cow, the cow gives milk. carrying the milk takes the old woman, the old woman gives her the tail. attaches, pinches, runs, catches up with his friends.

Posted in English 5th grade

March 11 — 15

Verishagina 1

Վերիշագինա դաս. էջ 165, This is London կարդալ, դուրս գրել և սովորել անծանոթ բառերը։

Ընտրեք ածականների ճիշտ տարբերակը։

  1. My house is (biger, the biggest)  than yours.


  1. This flower is (the most beautiful, more beautiful)  than that one.

More beautiful.

  1. This is the (interesting, the most interesting)  book I have ever read.

The most interesting.

  1. Non-smokers usually live (longer, the longest)  than smokers.


  1. Which is the (more dangerous, the most dangerous)  animal in the world?

The most dangerous.

  1. A holiday by the sea is (good, better, the best)  than a holiday in the mountains.


  1. It is strange but often a Coke is (more expensive, the most expensive)  than a beer.

More expensive.

  1. Who is the (richer, the richest)  woman on earth?

The richest

  1. The weather this summer is even (bad, worse, the worst)  than last summer.


  1. He was the (cleverer, the cleverest)  thief of all.

The cleverest.

Գրեք ածականների համեմատության աստիճանները՝ վարժ. 1վարժ. 2

Գրեք կամ պատմեք Հայաստանի ձեր սիրած վայրերից որևէ մեկի կամ մի քանիսի մասին։

My favorite place in armenia is North avenue because it kind of relaxes me and it’s very beautiful for me.

 It is 450 metres long and 27 metres wide. There are many shops, museums, gallerys. Opened in 2007.

It was planned in 1924, and the real plan was created during the Soviet period.

But it was built on March 26, 2002, based on the initial plan of Alexander Tamanyan, which was developed and transformed by architect Narek Sargsyan.

Based on its revised design, North Avenue houses 4 small squares and 11 buildings with an average height of 9 stories. Many types of stones were used in the construction: basalt, granite, travertine and tuff.

Posted in English 5th grade

Cinderella. Part 4

Three weeks passed. The prince couldn’t sleep. He could not stop thinking about the beautiful girl at the ball.

He waited for her to return to the palace, but she did not return. He waited for her to send a letter, but no letters came.

Finally, in desperation, he gave the glass shoe to a trusted messenger and ordered him to visit every house in the kingdom.

“Find the girl who this shoe belongs to, and bring her to me!”

The messenger visited hundreds of houses. At every house, women claimed the glass shoe was theirs. But when they tried on the shoe, their feet were too big, or too wide, or too small.

Finally, the messenger arrived at Cinderella’s house. Cinderella’s stepmother opened the door.

“Of course! Of course! Come in!”

She led the messenger into the dining room, where the two stepsisters were waiting.

The oldest sister said “Thank God! That’s my shoe!” But when she tried the shoe, her foot was too wide.  

The youngest sister said “Silly sister… It’s not your shoe, it’s my shoe!” But when she tried the shoe, her foot was too small.

The stepmother said “Get out of the way, girls, it’s not your shoe. It’s MY shoe!” and tried the shoe. But her foot was too long.  

“Oh how silly!” said the stepmother. “The shoe must have shrunk in the rain…”

But the messenger was not so easily fooled. “Are there any other women in this house?” he asked.

“No one but our serving girl, and the shoe is certainly not hers… “ said the stepmother.

“Fetch her immediately. Every woman in the kingdom must try the shoe,” insisted the messenger.

When Cinderella arrived in the dining room she was wearing her usual rags, and her face was covered in dirt.
She put her dirty foot into the glass shoe and… amazing! It wasn’t too wide. It wasn’t too long. It fit perfectly!

Cinderella trying on the shoe

In a quiet voice she said, “It’s my shoe.”

“Please come with me,” said the messenger. And before Cinderella’s stepmother and stepsisters could stop them … the messenger hurried Cinderella out the door and into a carriage.

Cinderella was taken to the palace to meet the prince. She was still wearing her dirty old dress, and her arms, legs and face were dirty. She looked at the floor because she felt so ashamed.

The prince took Cinderella’s hand.

Cinderella meeting the prince again

“Miss, please look at me,” he requested kindly. And when she lifted her head and he saw her kind, green eyes, he knew that she was the girl he had fallen in love with at the ball.

They were married the next spring, and spent the rest of their lives laughing at each other’s jokes.

1.Fill in the missing words

She put her dirty foot into the glass shoe.

They were married the next spring.

He could not stop thinking about the beautiful girl at the ball.

She looked at the floor, because she felt so ashamed.

2. Choose the correct one

The prince couldn’t sleep.

The prince could sleep.

The prince took Cinderella’s hand.

The prince didn’t take Cinderella’s hand.

“Fetch her immediately. Not every woman in the kingdom must try the shoe,” 

“Fetch her immediately. Every woman in the kingdom must try the shoe,” 

3. Write out the unfamiliar words











4. make up questions and answer them, you can also make up questions for your friends in class or questions for your other friends.